Notes from the VSC Community: End of Year Appreciations (Part 2)

This December, the VSC members share their appreciation for the many amazing people who make up the VSC Community. This includes facilitators, staff, organization admins, social workers, family, and fellow members. We want to highlight some of these people who make the VSC community as vibrant and inviting as it is.

VSC members come together to socialize, make friends, check in on one another, and learn with each other. Some have been around for 10 years, some for a month. The community has come from all different backgrounds and walks of life. Facilitators share their expertise, stories, and knowledge. They’ve even toured us around the world, whether that be in a neighborhood in New York City, a small town in Portugal, parts of Eastern Australia, the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, or somewhere in between — letting members travel no matter where they are. With the support of people like staff, admins, family, and social workers, the VSC is available 365 days a year for our older adult population.

Read below for part 2 of our end of year appreciation series. See part 1 here. There’s more to come in the following weeks. Interested in sharing your own message? Submit here.

I appreciate all the staff and especially how they are always available and ready to help in any way they can. If they cannot give an answer immediately, they research & get back to you.

–Rose C.

Facilitator Marsha G. has made our cafe village circle class inspirational. When we put all our insights together we learn so much about ourselves and each other. It is truly a wonderful class.

–Karen R.

I appreciate Rosemarie because her class has brought together a group of women who have supported each other during the last year while coping with the covid pandemic. Her discussion's are always thought provoking and helpful. Rosemarie has shown great compassion for each person who joins the class. Rosemarie leads the class by bringing out the best side of everyone.I have benefited from her leadership.

–Pat B.

Felix L.: Thank you for hosting English karaoke. I appreciate your encouragement and enjoy joining every week.

– Kay H.

I am grateful for [Giyong K.'s] assistance in computer so I can participate in the Zoom programs.

– Dora T.

Member Deborah O.: She is so outgoing and friendly on the chats. We have become good friends.

–Marilyn H.

I really appreciate & enjoy all the facilitators. They know subject matter & are anxious for us to have the info so we can better understand.

–Rose C.

I know Rosemarie Augoustatos a number of years. I attended her classes at the center and now online. She is professional and sweet and kind. I support her very much. She is an excellent teacher and a good person. I am inspired by her as a person. I wish her the best.

– Barbara G.

I'd like to thank Victoria for bringing this fascinating class [about Genealogy]. Each week endless hours are devoted to helping VSC members research their ancestry and family legacies. Many of the participants don't have the technical skills or programs that are used as teaching tools that are required for deeper investigations, so Victoria models in class then continues investigating on her own time and sends us any relevant information relating to our searches. This wealth of information becomes a family treasure that will be appreciated for many generations to come and I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this possible!

–Bess F.

Anyone who says history is boring never had you for a teacher. Whatever the subject, it is presented with valid document based information followed by open ended questions that promote lively exchanges among all the participants and all opinions are respected. I'd also like to thank your wonderful "technical director" Ellen who is always present to assist in any manner. The time, the research, and the thoughtful preparation you both devote in making this class stimulating and run smoothly is greatly appreciated!

–Bess F.

To Rachel B., Jessica G., and all staff: [They] keep me happy, healthy, and worry about me. [They] take care of me.

–Robert B.

Deirdre [is] the facilitator of self-acceptance group on Wednesday at 10. She is a very helpful group leader for mental wellbeing. I enjoy attending her group.

–Debbi L.

Ken Stec's classes are calm and serene to me. I feel calm after his class about yoga with meditation.

–Barbara G.


Notes from the VSC Community: End of Year Appreciations (Part 3)


Notes from the VSC Community: End of Year Appreciations (Part 1)