Notes from the VSC Community: End of Year Appreciations (Part 3)

This December, the VSC members share their appreciation for the many amazing people who make up the VSC Community. This includes facilitators, staff, organization admins, social workers, family, and fellow members. We want to highlight some of these people who make the VSC community as vibrant and inviting as it is.

VSC members come together to socialize, make friends, check in on one another, and learn with each other. Some have been around for 10 years, some for a month. The community has come from all different backgrounds and walks of life. Facilitators share their expertise, stories, and knowledge. They’ve even toured us around the world, whether that be in a neighborhood in New York City, a small town in Portugal, parts of Eastern Australia, the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, or somewhere in between — letting members travel no matter where they are. With the support of people like staff, admins, family, and social workers, the VSC is available 365 days a year for our older adult population.

Read below for part 3 of our end of year appreciation series. See part 1 here and part 2 here. There’s more to come in the following weeks. Interested in sharing your own message? Submit here.

Thank you to very staff member, facilitator and member at the VSC program. Why? because everyone work so hard to keep the VSC programs running so smoothly. And I won by attending the VSC programs. Thank you and have a great day.

–Suki A.

To Facilitator Victoria (Geneology): She uses unlimited resources to get information about family history and tracking families. She does a great job and really cares.

–Rose C.

Carmen Eccles: [her] Gentle Exercises [classes] are very helpful to me and she is a very sweet cheery person.

–Barbara G.

I'd like to thank Jim for bringing music back into my life. How spectacular it is to know each Friday is going to start with a song. Jim, your knowledge is so vast and I have learned to appreciate a vast array of music, composers, and lyricists that I never had the opportunity to discover. My grandson is a music major at NYU and each week I discuss with him what I learned from your class. Thanks for making my world a happier place!

–Bess F.

I am grateful for help with Zoom from George Li.

–Dora T.

Thank you, [Facilitator] Ross. He gives us a wonderful class.


To VSC Staff George Li: [he is] always kind and helpful.

–Arlynn P.

When I first joined the VSC in 2012, there was a small group of original participants, one IT guy, I'm sure there were other people behind the scenes but the major soldier on the ground was was Carmella. [She was] doing anything and everything that was needed, from finding new members to getting funding to coordinating programs to finding facilitators to working with some of the world's greatest museums here in New York City to bring their programs to us online. From the smallest to the biggest it was Carmella all day, all night everyday all the time.

Now all these years later, we have an enormous staff doing almost anything you can think of but nothing has changed with Carmella. She is still there. She is never too busy to answer an email or a phone call. She is never too involved with other things to ignore our members. For those who do not realize the huge, huge impact Carmella has had upon this program behind the scenes and in front of the camera, I would like to say my 2 cents for how lucky we are to have such a dedicated, caring person as Carmella to look out for us. Thank you.

–Patti H.

Lisa teaches the paper craft class on Monday at noon. She shares her talents with us with great enthusiasm. Every week she comes up with a new and interesting craft. Lisa instructs with patience and is always able to show us exactly how to do the craft. Lisa has brought out my creative side and encourages us to use our imagination. I look forward to her class each week.

–Pat B.

Rosemarie has helped me to live my best life and learn to be a happier person.

–Karen R.


The Impact of Community: a reflection by MSW Intern Mike


Notes from the VSC Community: End of Year Appreciations (Part 2)